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Windy Acres Cooperative, Inc.
Ground Rules for Participation Policy

In order to assure that board and membership meetings are productive and without disruption, the Board of Directors has adopted the following Ground Rules for Patticipation:

When a Board, Committee, or Membership meeting is called to order:
  • The Chairman sets the agenda, and keeps the meeting on task and on time.
  • Discussion should stay focused on the subject at hand.
  • Only one person may speak ata time. Participants should refrain from side conversations.
  • No interruptions! People should wait to speak until the chair has recognized them.
  • Cell phones should be turned offer put on 'vibrate'.

When speaking:

  • If you have a concern or issue to discuss, make it about the issue or concem, not the person/people involved. No personal attacks!
  • Voice volume should not be louder than necessary for people to hear.
  • When making a motion, speak slowly, clearly, and be concise.
  • Remain positive during discussion, with a focus on how to improve the co-op.
    • Past problems are learning experiences and are not to be used in a negative fashion for discussion of current issues.
    • Speak politely. It is never acceptable to verbally attack another person. Anyone who engages in this behavior will be asked to leave.
This policy was approved and adopted on 3/15/2010
The foregoing is a true and accurate account attested Ed Yutzler, President.
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